Monday, September 20, 2010

paper bag puppets

Youngest came home from a few days with the grandparents with a new puppet. It's a very cute tiger striped kind of thing with googly eyes. He and Middle named it Pickle, I have no idea why. So when school time rolled around, I mentioned I could help him make a paper frog puppet since we are studying frogs and tadpoles right now. He was hesitant - he's never really done crafts like my older two and never showed much of an interest in scissors or glue. I promised I would help him and he agreed. The lure of a new puppet won him over!

Well, now I've created a monster. I helped him with the first one, a frog, but he had so much fun, he's taken off doing other animals. The rest he's done almost entirely on his own:

The blue one is a fish, if you can't tell. Middle and Oldest assure me it doesn't look like a fish, but the boy wanted to do a fish and we didn't have an example so this was the best I could do. I admit it looks a little like a blue Chicken Little.

He wanted to do more today but my allergies were kicking my butt and we had planned a slow morning anyway so I just couldn't do it. I felt bad putting him off until tomorrow so we will surely do more then.

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